Reasons Why Every Startup Should Perform Search Engine Optimization – Part 1

Reasons Why Every Startup Should Perform Search Engine Optimization – Part 1

The single most challenging aspect that startups have to deal with is the finances. That is especially true when startups are very young. Convincing investors and building funds is a difficult task. The challenge is not limited to fund generation, though. Investors are very cautious about how their investments are utilized, so startups are always under the scanner. They must decide wisely as to what strategies to adopt, from the commercial point of view. And, that expands beyond devising development strategies for products and services and applies to other aspects of business, like sales and marketing too. Needless to say, high returns on investment are a basic need for startups, not a luxury. The above- mentioned scenario is the reason why startups must concentrate on search engine optimization. Read the below-mentioned points to gain more insights into how SEO is ideal for startups.

No Campaign Cost

Running an advertisement campaign incurs expanses be it an online campaign or offline. Every advertising campaign requires some time to start to show its effect. Potential customers have to be shown advertisements repeatedly to stimulate the desire for checking out the offerings. Campaigning cost is the single most deterring aspect that bars startups from running an advertising campaign for a period long enough for the campaign to start showing its effect. Search engine optimization does not cost anything, apart from human-resource cost. Search engine optimization is the process of making your online presence’s content search engine friendly. That means having content that gets your website/web portal to show up high in search engine results. So there no need to run a campaign per se. Rather it’s a continuous process that brings you the benefits that an advertising campaign would offer.

There is another aspect to that from a commercial standpoint. An advertising campaign’s costs increase with its scale. Let’s have an example of putting up billboards. It costs ‘X’ amount to advertise on 10 billboards. So, it would cost ‘10X’ to advertise on 100 billboards. To conclude, more the number of instances, more the expenditure. That is not the case with search engine optimization, though. You might have performed SEO activity only once, but that does not mean only one page from your website/web portal would rank high in search engine results. If you have multiple pages that have an SEO- friendly content, then all those pages would rank high and get a good exposure.

Accurate Exposure

Search engine optimization is based on search terms. Based on what search term is used, the results are configured; i. e. the sequence of displaying web-pages is decided. That implies that it is possible to work towards getting your page to rank higher for search terms of your choice. That narrows down the scope of work, ensuring that the time, effort, and money are spent on accomplishing the exact results that you want. As a result, optimized content is displayed to viewers who are seriously contemplating buying the products/services that are offered.

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